Read the How to Connect page to download and set up the client.
Server Information:
- Running Wrath of the Lich King ver 3.3.5 (AzerothCore)
- Targeted for soloing/small group. +50% exp from most sources, Instances scaled based on group size, solo LFG, no limit on professions, gain honor by defeating elites, and custom mods to previously unsoloable bosses.
- Group, trade, and instance cross-faction.
- No prereq for creating Death Knights
- Auction house items added and purchased by bot to help economy. No deposit or AH cut (shows 1s deposit, but doesn't take it).
Installed Modules:
- Solocraft: scales instances based on the number of people in the group
- SoloLFG: Queue for an instance solo using the LFG tool
- Gain Honor Guard: Get honor for killing any guard or elite that gives you experience.
- Transmog: Creates NPC for doing transmogs (Will spawn in cities as needed, just ask)
- Reagent Bank: NPC that will store crafting mats with no limit (One in Stormwind right now. Will spawn in cities as needed, just ask)
- AH Bot: Creates a character that buys and sells items on the AH to help create a better economy.
- Guildhouse: Allows guilds to buy a guildhouse and can buy portals, vendors, trainers, etc.
Custom Modules (written by me for this server):
- Dungeonmaster: NPC that will teleport you to any dungeon.
- Custom Quests: [Developing] Adds custom quests that reward unobtainable items (Promo code pets/mounts, TCG rewards, etc)
- SoloBosses: [Developing] Modifies the mechanics of previously unsoloable bosses to make them soloable. Currently supports Razorgore and Nefarion. C'thun in the works.
Restore Password
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1. First of all, you must create an account. You will login using the user ID, not your email as the client says.
2. Install World of Warcraft. You can download it from here.
3. Open up the "World of Warcraft" directory. The default directory is "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft". When you've found it, open up the directory called "data", then go into the directory called either enUS or enGB, depending on your client language.
4. Erase all text and change it to:
set realmlist fridgewire.com
Reach out to me (Bewarellamas) on my discord.